The Implementation and Application of Packet Voice Technology 分组语音技术的实现与应用
Packet loss is inevitable in voice communication over Internet, which may corrupt voice quality. 在Internet网络进行语音传输的过程中,不可避免的会遇到数据包丢失的现象,极大地影响了传输服务的质量。
It is stressed in this paper that packet voice technology is not only used in IP telephony to reduce the cost, combining the advantages of computer processing and Internet technologies, it is also used to realize various value-added services. 文章强调,分组语音技术不仅仅为降低成本而用于IP电话,结合计算机处理和互联网技术的优势实现各种增值业务才是它真正价值所在。
The Effects of Voice Packet Loss on Articulation of Chinese Speech in Packet Voice Communications 分组话音通信中分组丢失对汉语话音清晰度的影响
Determination of the Optimum Packet Length in Packet Voice Communications 分组话音通信中最佳分组长度的确定
Packet voice technology converts voice signal to digitized voice packet in certain length, then switches and transmits these packets by means of store and forward. 分组语音技术是指将语音信号转化为一定长度的数字化语音包,采用存储转发的方法以包的形式进行交换和传输的技术。
Application of Wavelet Packet in Voice Signal Extraction of Mobile Telephone on Automobile 小波包在车载移动电话语音信号提取中的应用
A conclusion is drawn that for the AAL2 packet voice multiplexer without bit dropping, the UAS model can be used to analyze the probability of packet loss due to buffer overflow with great accuracy. 得出结论,对于无比特丢弃的AAL2分组话音复接器,可用UAS模型准确研究其分组丢弃概率;
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Packet Voice Streams 分组语音流建模与性能分析
In this paper, a 3-dimension semi-Markov process model is introduced to describe the packet video/ voice integration. 本文引入了描述分组图象/话音综合的三维的半马尔可夫过程模型。
The Analysis of Packet Voice Technologies(ⅲ) 对分组话音技术的分析(三)
In fact, packet voice can efficiently exploit voice on off activity to improve bandwidth utilization. 事实上,分组话音充分利用话音的启毕(on-off)特性能有效地提高带宽利用率。
In this paper, the fluid-flow approximation method is introduced to analyse the performance of a packet video/ voice/ data integration communication system. 本文用流体流法分析了分组图象/话音/数据综合通信系统的排队性能。
In a packet voice communication system, packets are fed to a common queue by a number of independent voice sources and are removed from this queue on a first-come-first-serve basis for transmission over a communication link of finite capacity. 在一个分组语音通信系统中,大量的独立语音源产生信息包(在ATM中为信元)送入一个队列,再以先来先服务的原则通过有限容量的传输链路传送出去。
In this paper, a model for packet voice multiplexing system of ATM was introduced, which is called a fluid flow model. 介绍了一种用于模拟ATM网中的分组复用语音流传输的模型:流体流动模型。
At last by applying the two models and coding the Matlab programs, simulations and analysis of transmitting performance of packet voice flow on the ATM networks are done and some practical and meaningful conclusions are drawn. 最后应用这两类主要的语音业务流模型通过编写Matlab仿真程序,对ATM交换网中的分组语音流的传输性能进行了仿真和分析,并得出一些具有实际意义的结论。
In order to discuss the transmission of packet voice signals over ATM networks, and design networks which meet the strict delay constraints required for acceptable voice reconstruction, models which accurately reflect the statistical properties of packet voice systems are needed. 为了研究在ATM网上的语音传输,也为了设计和评估有着严格时延要求的可以传输语音的网,构建能精确地反映语音系统统计特性的模型是完全必要的。
This paper investigates the simulation algorithm for the voice packet generation procedure of voice sources with silence detection and elimination which takes into consideration the feature of the on off voice source model. 根据onoff话音源模型的特点,研究了带静默检测与消除的分组话音源话音分组产生过程的仿真算法。
Fluid Source Modeling of Packet Voice 分组语音流的流体流动模型
VoIP ( Voice over IP) is a technology that sends packet voice data over IP networks. VoIP(VoiceOverIP)是指以分组的形式在基于IP协议的网络上传送语音数据的技术。
Packet Voice Communication Technology 分组语音通信技术
Advances in Packet Voice Communication 分组话音通信的进展
Queueing Analysis of a Packet Video/ Voice Integration Communication System 分组图象/话音综合通信系统的排队分析
Realization of Packet Switched Voice and Data LAN 分组交换的话音数据局域网的实现
At first, fluid-flow method is used to analyse the queueing performance of the pre-emptive priority packet video/ voice queueing subsystem. Then the queueing behavior of the lower priority data queue-ing subsystem is developed. 首先用流体流法分析了具有强占型优先级的图象/话音综合的排队性能,在此基础上进一步分析了低优先级的数据业务排队性能。
Driven by the implementation of HFC broadband access network and DOCSIS Cable Modem, CATV operators are planing to offer subscribers packet based real time voice service via cable network. HFC宽带接入网和符合DOCSIS规范的CABLEModem系统的实现促使CATV运营商考虑利用CATV网络来开展实时的分组话音业务。
Performance Analysis of Spread Spectrum Slotted ALOHA for Integrated Packet Voice/ Data Satellite Communication 卫星分组话音/数据扩频时隙ALOHA的性能分析
This paper presents an efficient packet loss recovery technique for voice over Internet based on parity-based piggy-backed forward error correction technique ( PPFEC), which can recover most of the lossy packets during the lossy network. 提出了一种高效的Internet上语音包丢失恢复技术,采用了基于奇偶校验码的加载式前向纠错编码(PPFEC)技术,可以在网络存在丢包情况下无损恢复大部分丢失帧信息。
Recently packet voice is a new technology that developed quickly in worldwide range. 分组语音技术是近几年来在世界范围内发展非常迅猛的一项新兴技术。